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Stephanie Marchello

SuperStar Director

My Story

I am a mom of 2 children that are 10 1/2 years apart. I have been blessed to be a stay-at-home mom. And, it's a good thing, because raising 2 kids that are that far apart in age has been like raising 2 separate families!  My husband and I have our own heating and air conditioning business and for many years it kept us very busy, sometimes too busy. However, when the housing industry took a nose dive so did our business. Most of our builders filed for bankruptsy and walked away from what they owed us in the fall of 2007. So, my husband took on another job and I started thinking about the possibility of having to work outside the home. But, I didn't want to have to put my then 2 year old daughter in daycare and let someone else raise her so I began considering doing something from home. That led me to Scentsy. I knew Orville and Heidi Thompson (the owners of Scentsy) long before they started this venture and knew I could trust anything they were involved with so I decided to give it a try.  I had never done sales of any kind before and had never even been one to go to home parties so this was going to be completely new to me. However, I graduated from college with a degree in advertising and had always been pretty determined so I knew I could at least earn back my start up fee of $99 and thought I might even be able to make a small financial difference for our family. But, I almost talked myself out of joining. I kept thinking to myself, 'what would people think of me if I joined and then failed?' I seriously played that scenario out in my mind several times and then about a week later I realized I didn't care what people would think and honestly, they probably wouldn't give it a second thought anyway. So I signed up!! And I jumped in with both feet and have never looked back! Scentsy has been the most fun I have ever had while working. And it IS work - fun work but work! I have learned so much about myself along this journey and have gained so much confidence as I have discovered talents I never knew I had. I love that Scentsy encourages us to give more than we take in this life. This idea speaks to my heart and I have been blessed to have many opportunities to give as I have been involved in this company. I know I am a better person because of Scentsy and the people it has brought into my life. Some of my best friends are people on my team. What a joy!! It has been so satisfying to set goals and reach them and then set new goals and continue to strive for them. I am amazed at what I have achieved as a Scentsy Consultant and can't wait to see what the future holds for me and my little Scentsy Family Business. I truly enjoy this opportunity and am thankful every day for how it has blessed me and my family.<!--endbody-->

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